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D.C. Government Lawyer

At Hoyer Law Group, PLLC, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional government litigation services across a diverse array of legal issues. Our team of experienced civil litigators, including founding partners Jesse Hoyer, Sean Estes, and David Scher, is committed to providing robust and strategic representation to clients dealing with complex government-related legal matters.

If you work for a government agency, you may wonder if you have the same rights as someone working for a private employer. Many people who have been harassed, discriminated against, or are in a hostile work environment at a government organization naturally wonder if there is even any point in seeking legal action against their employer. The truth is even a government employer has a duty to ensure that each employee is fairly treated in the workplace. It is also responsible for ensuring that no one is working in a hostile environment. If you’re worried about harassment or retaliation after filing a workplace complaint, our Washington D.C. government lawyer at Hoyer Law Group, PLLC can advise you of your legal options. Hoyer Law Group, PLLC Government lawyers play a pivotal role in the legal landscape, serving as the linchpins between the law and its practical application within the public sector. Their experience is invaluable for navigating the complex intersections of law and public policy, ensuring that government actions align with legal standards. 

United States Capitol

What Does a Federal Employment Lawyer Do

At Hoyer Law Group, PLLC, we specialize in federal employment law, providing essential services to ensure that employees and employers adhere to the complex web of laws and regulations governing the workplace. Our expertise covers various legal areas, including discrimination, harassment, wage and hour disputes, and more. Here’s a detailed look at what we do as federal employment lawyers, organized under several key headers.

Understanding Federal Employment Law

Key Legislation

As federal employment lawyers, we must have an in-depth understanding of several key pieces of legislation, including:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Regulatory Bodies

We often interact with various federal agencies, such as:

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
  • Department of Labor (DOL)
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Services We Provide

Legal Representation

We provide representation in various legal forums, including:

  • Federal Courts: Handling litigation involving violations of federal employment laws.
  • Administrative Hearings: Representing clients in proceedings before federal agencies like the EEOC or DOL.

Legal Advice and Consultation

We offer expert advice on:

  • Compliance: Ensuring that employers comply with all relevant federal employment laws.
  • Policies and Procedures: Developing and reviewing workplace policies to prevent legal issues.
  • Employee Rights: Advising employees on their rights under federal law and helping them understand the legal remedies available.

Addressing Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination Cases

We handle cases involving discrimination based on:

  • Race, Color, and National Origin
  • Sex and Gender, including Pregnancy and Sexual Orientation
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Religion

Harassment Cases

We address various forms of workplace harassment, including:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Hostile Work Environment

Wage and Hour Disputes

We help resolve disputes related to:

  • Overtime Pay: Ensuring employees are compensated for overtime as required by the FLSA.
  • Minimum Wage Violations: Addressing cases where employers fail to pay the federal minimum wage.
  • Misclassification: Handling issues where employees are wrongly classified as exempt from overtime or as independent contractors.

Family and Medical Leave Issues

FMLA Compliance

We assist with:

  • Leave Entitlement: Ensuring employees receive the leave they are entitled to under the FMLA.
  • Retaliation: Protecting employees from retaliation for taking FMLA leave.

Whistleblower Protections

Legal Support for Whistleblowers

We provide crucial support to whistleblowers by:

  • Filing Complaints: Assisting in filing complaints with the appropriate federal agencies.
  • Protection from Retaliation: Ensuring whistleblowers are protected from retaliation under various federal statutes.

As federal employment lawyers, we play a vital role in navigating the complexities of federal employment law. At Hoyer Law Group, PLLC, we provide indispensable services to both employees and employers, ensuring compliance with the law, addressing grievances, and protecting rights in the workplace. Our expertise in employment law allows us to offer comprehensive legal support in these critical areas.

Providing Legal Counsel

One of the primary responsibilities of Hoyer Law Group, PLLC Washington D.C. government lawyer is to provide legal counsel to various government agencies. This involves interpreting and applying laws, regulations, and policies to ensure government actions are legally sound. They are tasked with ensuring that all government decisions and policies comply with existing laws, thereby upholding the rule of law and protecting the interests of the public. Their advisory role is crucial in shaping policies that are not only effective but also legally robust.

Representing The Government

Another significant aspect of Hoyer Law Group, PLLC role is representing the government in legal proceedings. This includes both defense and prosecution in courts, handling everything from civil lawsuits to criminal cases. Their litigation skills are put to the test in a range of scenarios, from defending government policies and actions to prosecuting cases on behalf of the state. Their expertise in the courtroom is vital in defending the interests of the state and its citizens. This is important in upholding citizens’ rights in the United States. 

Documenting Legislation 

Drafting and reviewing legislation is also an integral part of Hoyer Law Group, PLLC duties. Government lawyers are often involved in the intricate process of creating new laws or amending existing ones. They work closely with policymakers to draft clear, effective, and enforceable laws that serve the public interest. Their input is critical in ensuring that new laws are not only legally sound but also practical and in line with public policy objectives.

Moreover, Hoyer Law Group, PLLC play a key role in negotiating and drafting contracts for the government. Whether it’s procurement contracts, public-private partnerships, or international agreements, they ensure that these contracts are legally sound and beneficial for the public. Their expertise in contract law is essential in safeguarding the government’s interests and ensuring public resources are used effectively.

Our Government Litigation Expertise

Our government litigation services encompass a wide range of areas, ensuring comprehensive support for our clients:

1. Whistleblower Claims:

  • False Claims Act: Representing whistleblowers who report fraud against government programs, ensuring they receive the protection and compensation they deserve.
  • IRS Whistleblower: Assisting clients in reporting tax fraud and navigating the complexities of IRS whistleblower claims.
  • SEC Whistleblower: Guiding whistleblowers through the process of reporting securities fraud and maximizing their potential rewards under the SEC Whistleblower Program.

2. Employment Litigation:

  • Discrimination Claims: Advocating for employees facing discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, and other protected characteristics.
  • Retaliation Claims: Protecting employees who have faced retaliation for reporting misconduct or asserting their legal rights.
  • Wrongful Termination: Pursuing justice for employees who have been unlawfully terminated.

3. Contract Disputes:

  • Government Contracts: Handling disputes arising from government contracts, including bid protests, contract performance issues, and termination disputes.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Advising clients on compliance with government regulations and representing them in enforcement actions.

4. Administrative Law:

  • Agency Proceedings: Representing clients in proceedings before government agencies, including hearings, appeals, and enforcement actions.
  • Licensing and Permits: Assisting clients in obtaining and maintaining necessary government licenses and permits, and representing them in related disputes.

5. Civil Rights Litigation:

  • Constitutional Claims: Defending clients’ constitutional rights in cases involving free speech, due process, equal protection, and other fundamental rights.
  • Police Misconduct: Representing victims of police misconduct and holding law enforcement accountable for violations of civil rights.

6. Business and Commercial Litigation:

  • Government Investigations: Guiding businesses through government investigations, ensuring compliance and mitigating risks.
  • Regulatory Defense: Defending businesses against regulatory enforcement actions and navigating complex regulatory frameworks.

Our Approach

At Hoyer Law Group, PLLC, we understand that government litigation can be daunting and multifaceted. Our approach is rooted in:

  • Strategic Advocacy: We develop tailored litigation strategies that align with our clients’ goals and leverage our deep understanding of government processes and regulations.
  • Comprehensive Support: From initial consultation through trial and appeals, we provide unwavering support and expert guidance, ensuring our clients are well-prepared at every stage.
  • Client-Centered Focus: We prioritize our clients’ interests, maintaining open communication and delivering personalized legal solutions that address their unique needs.

FAQs about Government Laws in Washington, D.C.

How Can A Washington D.C. Government Lawyer Help Me?

The first step in ending workplace discrimination and harassment is reporting it to your manager or Human Resources Department. If they fail to act, you may have legal grounds to file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Once you do that, you may receive approval to file a lawsuit against your employer – yes, even the government – to recover any lost wages if you lost your job or missed work because you were being harassed. If the discrimination or hostile workplace environment impacted your career progression (perhaps you didn’t receive promotions or training you should have been eligible for), your lawsuit can cover those losses, too.

Do You Need Legal Representation?

Suppose you’ve been discriminated against or harassed at work. In that case, a government attorney lawyer can help you pursue justice, whether through a complaint filed with the EEOC or a lawsuit. If you’ve lost your job or been on the receiving end of other types of retaliation after filing a complaint, you also have legal options. A Washington, D.C., government lawyer at Hoyer Law Group can look into the details of your claim and offer insightful advice so you can make good decisions about your future. Contact us today for a consultation.

How does the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) work in Washington, D.C.?

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in Washington, D.C. provides the public with the right to access records from any federal agency. It is a vital tool for promoting transparency in government operations. FOIA requests can be made by any person, including U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, organizations, and businesses. The process involves submitting a written request to the relevant agency, which must respond within a specified timeframe. Some information may be exempt from disclosure, such as classified national security information, personal privacy information, and law enforcement records. Appeals can be made if a request is denied or inadequately fulfilled.

What are the ethical guidelines for government officials in Washington, D.C.?

Ethical guidelines for government officials in Washington, D.C. are designed to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure integrity in public service. These guidelines cover various aspects including financial disclosures, gift restrictions, lobbying activities, and post-employment restrictions. Officials are required to avoid actions that might create an appearance of impropriety or misuse of their position for personal gain. The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) provides oversight and guidance on these matters, ensuring that government actions meet high ethical standards and foster public trust in government operations.

How are government contracts regulated in Washington, D.C.?

Government contracts in Washington, D.C. are regulated to ensure fair competition, transparency, and compliance with federal and local laws. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) provides the primary framework for federal government procurement processes, while D.C. has its own set of rules for local government contracts. These regulations cover all aspects of the contracting process, from solicitation and bidding to award and performance. They aim to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in government spending. Contractors must adhere to strict standards and may be subject to audits and investigations to ensure compliance.

What protections are available for whistleblowers in Washington, D.C.?

Whistleblowers in Washington, D.C. are protected under several laws designed to encourage the reporting of wrongdoing without fear of retaliation. The Whistleblower Protection Act provides federal employees with safeguards against retaliation when they report illegal or unethical activities within government agencies. Additionally, the D.C. Whistleblower Protection Act offers similar protections for employees of the D.C. government. These laws ensure that whistleblowers can safely disclose information about fraud, abuse, corruption, and other misconduct, thereby promoting accountability and transparency in government operations.

Why Choose Hoyer Law Group, PLLC?

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team’s extensive experience in government litigation and deep understanding of the legal landscape ensure that we deliver superior results for our clients.
  • Proven Track Record: We have a history of successful outcomes in high-stakes government litigation cases, demonstrating our ability to effectively advocate for our clients.
  • Nationwide Presence: With offices in key locations across the country, we are equipped to handle government litigation matters on a national scale.

If you are facing a government-related legal issue, trust Hoyer Law Group, PLLC to provide the comprehensive, strategic, and dedicated representation you need. Contact us today to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you in achieving a favorable outcome.

Government Infographic

Why Choose Hoyer Law Group, PLLC Infographic

Contact Our Washington D.C. Government Lawyer Today!

Government laws in Washington, D.C. form the backbone of a transparent, accountable, and efficient governmental system. They encompass a broad spectrum of legal areas, including administrative regulations, ethical guidelines, FOIA requests, government contracting, and whistleblower protections. These laws ensure that government operations are conducted with integrity and fairness, promoting public trust and confidence. At Hoyer Law Group, PLLC, we are committed to providing expert legal guidance and representation in these complex areas, helping clients navigate the intricate landscape of government regulations and protecting their rights and interests. Whether dealing with compliance issues, ethical concerns, or whistleblower cases, our specialized knowledge and experience make us a trusted partner in government law matters.

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"What an Amazing group to work with! Highly recommend! They have a true passion for helping others and they are impressively good at finding Justice!"
Lizzie Applegate
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